Tanker Chartering
Tanker market is largely governed by the needs of Energy sector and the demands and supply chain of all the countries of this world. VED has extensive links of genuine network of traders whose cargo needs to be transported to various part of the world. Crude and its petroleum derivatives are the back bone of Energy Sector and majorly plays the role of one of the most important fuel of human life. Hence company is developing some important trade network from all the crude exploration nation of the world. VED is quite familiar and active in West Africa and Gulf Areas and extended upto Far East countries like China and Korea.
Ship Chartering & Brokering Services is provided worldwide and specially includes PG, India, South East Asia, Far East, Baltic and Black Sea, Russia, Europe, South America
The Company also targets to be major transporter of Crude Oil & Its Derivatives in near future there by catering the demands of various industries. With the help of its Trade Desk , the company is targeting high in the field of bulk export and import of several petroleum commodities across the globe. The company is committed to fulfil the demands of Oil & Gas Sector. Company believes in wider dimensions of business and hence covers all the basis of contract philosophy existing in shipping field.
In Tanker Chartering Segment VED Covers following basis of work
1. Time Charter or TCT
2. Voyage charter or spot
3. COA