VED is a service provider and is an active consultant. The company has provided consultancy to many of its clients in following fields
- Ship Surveys
- Ship Technical Management and Operations (Outsourced Presently)
- Ship Brokering & Commercial Management:
Our team works to provide extensive commercial management services including strategy and employment management for vessels, negotiation and providing services in support of charter party contracts, full post-fixture support and account tracking.
- Advise on chartering strategies.
- Sourcing best employment opportunity for a vessel
- Negotiating charter party contracts
- Instructing the vessel Master in respect of the charter party terms
- Appointment and liaison with port agents
- Vessel monitoring to ensure adherence to charter party terms
- Voyage reporting and analysis
Risk Analysis and Management:
Risk Management is an important component of VED Marine corporate policy.
It is a real system driver for the organisation – “A MUST HAVE”. In VED Marine, every decision is considered on a risk-adjusted basis. Hence, we are proud to say that our risk management work has contributed to our good results since our incorporation. The whole management team is working to ensure that, we maintain a thorough understanding of how we are exposed to market, counterpart and operational risks, and advising on how to manage or mitigate those risks and associated losses with it.
Top Management Team & Commercial departments are continuously held accountable for all exposures in their books, and for the changes to the market value of their contract portfolio. We are committed to be responsive and regularly develop new risk measures and reports to focus on the risk factors we believe are particularly relevant in the prevailing market environment. Risk management is a fully integrated part of the commercial decision making process – ensuring risk awareness at all decision points. The Risk Analysis is done to ensure that all activities and exposures stay within the risk limitations set by the company